What’s Happening At TriVersity! July 14th

What’s Happening At TriVersity!

July 14, 2021

Happy Hump Day, Fam! Rainy days and Mondays may get us down, but sunny(ish) days and Wednesdays are a solid boost. Before we dive into the coming days, don’t forget that the Center is open on Tuesdays from 11-4 and Thursdays from 8:30-12. We are looking for a volunteer or two to open the Center on Saturdays. If you are potentially interested, contact us using the form below!

TriVersity Talk! featuring Dr. Joshua Safer & Matthew Baney

LIVE on Thursday, July 15th at 7 pm EDT, TriVersity Talk! features Dr. Joshua Safer & Matthew Baney from the Mount Sinai Center for Transgender Medicine and Surgery. Wendy and Steven look forward to learning all that the Center for Transgender Medicine has to offer and more about the lives of Dr. Joshua and Matthew.

You can watch LIVE by heading to one of 3 fabulous places: Facebook, YouTube, or our website! After the show, the episode is archived on YouTube and our website using the same links. To learn more about Dr. Joshua or Matthew, click any of the hyperlinks above.

Out, Loud, and Proud – An Evening with Jonathan Charles Fox

Featuring Special Musical Guest: Chuck Vassallo

On Friday, July 23rd at 7 pm, TriVersity presents Out, Loud, and Proud – An Evening with Jonathan Charles FoxJonathan, Dharma the Wonder Dog, and his wonderful accompanist, Chuck, have graciously agreed to donate their time for a TriVersity fundraiser.

For those of your who don’t know Jonathan and his body of work, click the hyperlink above. Jonathan has led one of the most fascinating lives we know of, and his stories will leave you intrigued and enchanted. He’s an actor, performance critic, photographer, reporter, and regular columnist for The River Reporter. His life experiences combined with his immense talent for storytelling will leave you experiencing a whole range of emotions before the evening is through. And, perhaps best of all, the proceeds from this event will help fund the programs and services offered through TriVersity–an organization founded to provide a safe space and programs for the LGBTQ+ Community in the TriState region.

As this is a TriVersity fundraiser, the cost is $25 and it’s BYOB. The location is Upfront Exhibition Space in Port Jervis. To purchase tickets, just head here. Space is limited so purchase as soon as possible! Upon purchase, we will have your name saved as well as the amount of tickets you purchased. If you’d like to print your confirmation number just to play it safe, we welcome you to do so.

To learn more about this great event, click the Out, Loud, & Proud hyperlink above!

Supportive Services and Discussion Groups

The TriVersity Parent and Caregivers of LGBTQ+ Youth Support Group meets as needed. For more information, reach out to support@triversitycenter.org. We have created a Facebook Group Page for this support group, so if you or anyone you know may be interested in joining the support group, send an invite request to join here.

The TriVersity Gender Non-Binary Support Group meets the 4th Monday of every month over Zoom. For more information, reach out to support@triversitycenter.org! We have created a Facebook Group Page for this support group, so if you or anyone you know may be interested in joining the support group, send an invite request to join here.

The TriVersity Transgender Support Group meets monthly as needed. For more information, reach out to support@triversitycenter.org.

The TriVersity HIV Support Group meets monthly virtually. For more information, reach out to support@triversitycenter.org


Oh yeah! Did y’all know that TriVersity now has merch? Yes, we have merchandise featuring our logo on shirts of all types and sizes as well as many other items. We even have cool or amusing designs that consist of more than just our logo. Take the pic below, which I can’t believe I’m sharing. (Seriously, what is that facial expression?) I always joke that I’m a “lumbersexual” and now I have the shirt to prove it. Merchandise purchases are a great way to promote TriVersity and/or the LGBTQ+ Community in general and they help us pay for our new website. Win win! To see our entire line of merchandise, just head to our online shop.

And that’s a wrap. Have a great rest of your week!

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