August 25, 2021
Happy Wednesday, Fam! We’re excited because we have a new outdoor event to promote, but, first, don’t forget that we have…
NEW HOURS: Open Hours at the Center are now Tuesdays from 11-4 pm; Thursdays from 10-1 pm or by appointment.
Now let’s dive in!
TriVersity Talk! featuring Drs John Pang, Bella Avanessian, & Jess Ting
LIVE on Thursday, August 26th at 7 pm EDT, TriVersity Talk! welcomes Dr. John Pang (Top Left), Dr. Bella Avanessian (Bottom Left), and Dr. Jess Ting (Right) from the Mt. Sinai Center for Transgender Medicine and Surgery. Together, Drs. Pang, Avanessian & Ting make up part of Mt. Sinai’s Plastic Surgery Team and provide gender-affirming surgeries of all types. Join us as we learn more about these extraordinary physicians and the work they perform.
You can watch LIVE by heading to one of 3 fabulous places: Facebook, YouTube, or our website! After the show, the episode is archived on YouTube and our website using the same links. To learn more about Dr. Pang, Dr. Avanessian, & Dr. Ting, click any of the above links!
A Farewell to Summer Meet & Mingle
On Sunday, September 12th from 2-5 pm, we hope you will join us for a Farewell to Summer Meet and Mingle at the Phoenix. Low key music by Dan Engvaldsen and complementary wine & hor d’oeuvres will set the perfect backdrop for taking in the last of Summer, mixing with old friends, and making new ones.
This event will take place outdoors so long as the weather cooperates.
There is a suggested $10 donation to help offset expenses but we value your presence considerably more than your donation.
Space is limited so head to our event page, hyperlinked above, for more information and to RSVP.
Supportive Services and Discussion Groups
The TriVersity Gender Non-Binary Support Group meets the 4th Monday of every month over Zoom. For more information, reach out to! We have created a Facebook Group Page for this support group, so if you or anyone you know may be interested in joining the support group, send an invite request to join here.
The TriVersity Parent and Caregivers of LGBTQ+ Youth Support Group meets as needed. For more information, reach out to We have created a Facebook Group Page for this support group, so if you or anyone you know may be interested in joining the support group, send an invite request to join here.
The TriVersity Transgender Support Group meets monthly as needed. For more information, reach out to
The TriVersity HIV Support Group meets monthly. Live meetings are taking place again soon. For more information, reach out to
Start gearing up because a number of TriVersity events will be coming to you this Fall. In the meantime, have a great rest of your week!