Thanks Belle Pepper!

Thank you to Belle Pepper for entertaining the masses at TriVersity’s Holiday Gala 2022!

If you haven’t already seen Belle Pepper perform, then where have you been??? She has hosted and entertained at too many TriVersity events to count. She’s vicious, delicious and capricious! But don’t wait to catch her at TriVersity’s events! You can find her all over the area from NYC to Milford and the surrounding area.

We have been lucky to have Belle Pepper outside of drag as well serving on TriVersity’s Board of Directors. She’s a busy missy!

TriVersity loves to share area supporters and boosters with our community, our friends, and our families. With supportive community businesses and a bond of equality for all, let’s grow, build, and share the LOVE!

Learn more about our dear friend, Belle Pepper:

Instagram Book Her! Events

Check out her interview with our very own board member, Wendy Stuart on “TriVersityTalk!”

Love ya, Belle! xoxo

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