I’m honored and humbled to be elected as the Executive Director of TriVersity—The Pride Center.
A harmonious connection between community, diversity, and equality is my vision. I continue to put my energy into seeing a world with this ideal and ask for your continued support.
That support can be volunteering your time, making donations, boosting each other, or simply sharing your knowledge and engaging with each other, the community, and the world in a positive and respectful space like TriVersityCenter.org. I’ll start by sharing a little about myself!
Business in the Front:
Growing up as gay in rural South Carolina, I’m uniquely experienced some of the needs that TriVersity provides the tristate community. When I, alongside my husband, Richard, moved to Milford, PA in 2014, I found a supportive and caring community brought together by TriVersity. I love leading this dynamic organization and giving back to the Pride community that welcomed Richard and me nearly 10 years ago.
I developed a passion for nonprofit advocacy during and after my time at The University of South Carolina (’04) and Columbia Law School (’10). While at Columbia, I served as a staff member with the Columbia Journal for Gender and Law. In the workforce, I earned an Outstanding Service Award from the New York State Court’s Access to Justice Program, and I’m presently a licensed attorney in New York State.
Party in the Back:
I L-O-V-E all things figure skating! Even though she retired 15 years ago, I remain obsessed with the Kween, Michelle Kwan. I consider myself a nerd and not the cool kind. I love to sing and love the idea of playing piano—even though I go through constant mental gymnastics to get myself to practice. My guilty pleasure is watching people play video games on YouTube (the shame!), and my favorite YouTuber is ZeldaMaster.
You read all that? Thanks! Now it’s your turn to share. Create an account. Start a conversation. Share your knowledge. Shop our merch. Become a sponsor. Make a donation.

Steven Teague-Bloomer
President / Executive Director