Meet Your TriVersity Board of Directors – Gretchen Pollack

Gretchen Pollack  -Director

When we moved to Pike County seven years ago, I was so happy to find out about Triversity.  My husband and I had lived in New York for thirty years and raised our three children there.  Most of my work career has been spent working in the wonderful world of public libraries.

In the past few years, some of the ignorance and anti-lgbtq+ attitudes I have encountered have been shocking to me.  They are what spurred me to become involved at Triversity and am honored to be a board member.  I am happy to learn, to grow, to help create a safe space for members of the community and to embrace the diversity that exists in this world.

Anyone who lives in Pike County will tell you that ROCKS ARE EVERYWHERE! I don’t think I can dig anyplace without encountering a dozen.  So I started the You Belong rock painting at Triversity. Gathering to paint these rocks and spreading them throughout the community has been a great way to visit with people who come to the Center and to spread positivity.  I have been lucky to meet some of the absolute best humans through Triversity and look forward to meeting many more.

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