Meet Your TriVersity Board of Directors – Janine Sesa

Janine Sesa  –  Director

Janine J Sesa was born and raised in Middletown NY and lived in Orange County for most of her life. The youngest of six siblings, Janine has always known their love and support, as well as that of her large extended Italian family.  She identifies as non-binary and accepts any pronouns.

In her younger days, Janine took a circuitous route through higher education and worked at various types of jobs before earning her degree in computer science, putting it to use as a Software Engineer at IBM for 13 years.

After visiting Milford regularly over their years together, she and her wife, Joanne, decided to make their retirement home here.  The ever-present Pride flag over TriVersity’s door always felt welcoming, and now seems to have beckoned them home.  They love the town’s charm and the atmosphere of creativity.

Shortly before moving to Milford, Janine rekindled her passion for writing poetry.  She also loves visual media and enjoys watching movies and British crime shows at home with Joanne and their boys, Cody (Cocker Spaniel mix) and Brady (Cocker Spaniel).  Because Janine has chronic health conditions with related limitations, she considers her involvement with TriVersity a great privilege and a gift.

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